Even though we can’t get on the Six Lakes property, we can show it some love–and show the Town of Hamden, CT DEEP, and Olin we care!

Please join the Six Lakes Park Coalition for a cleanup of trash along the Six Lakes perimeter on

Sunday, Oct. 20, from noon to 2 p.m.

Afterward, you’ll have a chance to connect with other coalition members, learn more about Six Lakes, and sign our petition, which now has over 1,300 signatures! We’ll also be providing hot drinks and snacks to warm you up before you head home.

Our cleanup is part of Save the Sound’s Connecticut Cleanup program, which supports up to 75 cleanups every year at parks, beaches, and rivers, keeping trash out of our waterways. At Six Lakes, we’ll be helping to protect not only the ponds there, but also Lake Whitney and the Mill River, which flows into Long Island Sound. Each year, more than 2,000 volunteers pick up several tons of trash through the Connecticut Cleanup, which Save the Sound hosts as part of the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. We’ll be tracking the trash we collect so it can become part of the larger data set on the types of trash that are most common and the hazards they pose to our water and our health.