Six Lakes in autumn

Join us for a guided tour of the perimeter of the Six Lakes property in Hamden (also known as Olin Powder Farm), and learn more about the movement to conserve this 102-acre urban oasis as a public park. The tour will finish at 2 p.m. with networking, fall snacks, and a letter-writing campaign to elected officials. Walk is approximately 2.2 miles. Come for both the walk and action, or choose just one!

What – Perimeter Walk and Letter-Writing Action
When – Sunday, Nov. 12 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Where – ACES Whitney High School North, 130-B Leeder Hill Dr., Hamden, CT

If possible, please RSVP below to help us with our planning:

Six Lakes Perimeter Walk and Letter-Writing Action