Six Lakes forest and lake

Nearly 100 neighbors and community leaders joined the Six Lakes Park Coalition (SLPC) last November for a guided walk of the perimeter of the Six Lakes property in Hamden, Connecticut. Want to see Six Lakes for yourself? Join us for a virtual tour and learn more!


Locked behind a chain-link fence, Six Lakes comprises 102 acres of forested wetlands. For 37 years, the property owner, Olin Corporation, has been under a consent decree with the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to clean up industrial waste it left behind. Thanks to recent pressure from neighbors and members of the Six Lakes Park Coalition, including Save the Sound, we’re finally seeing forward movement—and daring to dream of the creation of a public park on this property that would serve southern Hamden, where no other large open space remains.

Join us for a virtual tour that will inspire you to dream with the Six Lakes Park Coalition of a day when the fences will come down and everyone will be able to enjoy this safe and restored oasis in the city!

Community organizer Justin Farmer will lead participants through a photographic tour of the property, sharing information about its past as a firing range and gunpowder storage site, its history of environmental racism, its ecological features, and its current status. He’ll be joined by fellow community organizer Elizabeth Hayes for a public Q & A at the end of the presentation.

Thanks for supporting Six Lakes!

Six Lakes Park Coalition