Thank you to the nearly 100 of you who showed up last Sunday to walk the perimeter of Six Lakes with us and send a message to state legislators and the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) that we expect Olin Corporation to be held accountable for cleaning up the pollution it left behind at Six Lakes! 

If you weren't able to join us last weekend, don't worry! There's still time to add your name to our petition to state leadership!

Sign now: Petition to Restore and Conserve Six Lakes/Olin Powder Farm as an Act of Restorative Justice for Southern Hamden and a Park for the Benefit of All.

For 37 years, Olin Corporation—the owner of the property—has been under a consent order with DEEP to clean up Six Lakes. So far, only minimal cleanup has occurred. Six Lakes offers a unique opportunity for much-needed open space in southern Hamden—the last property in the neighborhood with that potential—and a chance for bringing justice to the neighboring Newhall community, itself the victim of Olin’s past pollution and a long, disruptive remediation process. 


Help us promote access to clean, green spaces for everyone!


Thanks for your support!

The Six Lakes Park Coalition

Sign the Petition

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