SPECIAL UPDATE: July 18, 2024

To Do List: Visioning, Survey, Petition, Volunteer!

Our last Six Lakes community visioning session is tonight, July 18, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Whitneyville Cultural Commons, 1253 Whitney Avenue in Hamden. Register here, or just show up!

Wondering what a visioning session is? Click here for coverage from the New Haven Independent on last Saturday's session.

Can't make it tonight? You can still register your ideas about the future of this 102-acre urban oasis of forest and wetlands. Take the Six Lakes community survey!

And if you haven't already signed our petition, what are you waiting for? Sign on now to show your support for public open space at Six Lakes!

Already signed? Forward this email to three friends and ask them to sign, too!

Finally, we are still looking for a flock of volunteers to share out our survey and our petition at upcoming farmer's markets, community events, and door-to-door in our neighborhoods. Up for one or more of those tasks? Sign up to volunteer!

Questions? Reach us at sixlakespark@gmail.com.

Sign the Petition