Six Lakes Park Coalition Six Lakes Park Coalition

Dear Six Lakes supporters:

It was exciting to see so many of y’all at the community meeting we co-sponsored with the Town of Hamden late last month! Thank you!

I’m writing as a member of the Six Lakes Park Coalition steering committee to update you on what’s happened since then.

The Town tells us that Olin has begun its supplemental testing onsite, as approved by the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). This testing will update outdated data on the site's type and extent of contamination. That data is scheduled to be reviewed by DEEP this coming fall and winter and will drive the eventual creation of a remedial action plan. We’re keeping our eyes open for evidence of activity on the site regularly and will share any further information as it becomes available.

The Six Lakes Park Coalition is also planning further education and outreach to the various communities neighboring Six Lakes. We thank those of you who have expressed interest in helping with that outreach, and we plan to have some more concrete actions ready for you soon!

Finally, if you have friends and neighbors in greater New Haven who would like to receive these monthly updates and occasional additional emails on Six Lakes Park Coalition events and actions, please direct them to the newsletter signup link on the SLPC website:

With camaraderie and care,
Justin M. Farmer

P.S. If you missed the community meeting on June 29th, here’s a thorough recap from the New Haven Independent:

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Six Lakes Park Coalition